The AP Questionnaire: Andrew Woolbright

Andrew Woolbright

What was the last thing you made?
A frame for a painting based on a computer harddrive

What was the last thing you read?
Goethe on Art. David Levi-Strauss’ Photography and Belief. John Kelsey Essays on Art

What was the last exhibition you saw?
Justin Fitzpatrick at Margot Samel

Who do you most admire?
People who have practices that build space and context for others–Adrian Piper, Mary Kelly, Meyer Shapiro, TJ Clark, Phong Bui, Raphael Rubinstein.

How has your practice changed?
I think more about the language and history of images and its tension with the language of painting.

What motivates your practice?
Thinking of materiality with images and immanence within digital spaces.

Your favorite artwork made before your lifetime?
Jet of Water by Francis Bacon (1979) or almost anything Miriam Cahn, Louise Fishman, or Susan Rothenberg made.

Your favorite artwork made during your lifetime?
Mujer by Albert Oehlen (2008) or the fabric/plastic wrap paintings David Hammons showed at L and M Gallery in 2011.