AP Faculty | The Tool Book Project
The Tool Book Project Volume III: Work Book is a risograph magazine featuring 18 artists and collaborative teams whose work addresses labor, leisure and it’s cultural intersections with art production. Work Book considers the future of institutional critique, direct social action, how our daily labor and leisure intersect with the ways we relate, resist, and create, and what can we glean from revisiting past Art and Labor movements.
Work Book was created, designed and edited by Sarah G. Sharp and was printed on a MZ790U 2-Color Risograph Printer by TXTbooks, an artist-run independent publishing initiative in Brooklyn, NY. http://www.txtbooks.us/
Work Book’s poster insert “Plants and People Kicking Ass Together” and it’s accompanying essay “People, Plants, and the Work That Lies Before Us”, was designed and written by Asha Canalos and was printed by Nicole Ringel, owner of Sense of Press, an independent print shop based in Baltimore, MD. https://www.senseofpress.info/
Profits from the sales of "Work Book" are donated to Make the Road New York, a non-profit that builds the power of immigrant and working class communities to achieve dignity and justice, and House of Ruth Maryland. a non-profit organization providing prevention, intervention and advocacy for victims of domestic violence and their children, and The Marsha P. Johnson Institute, a Fellowship program centered on the arts and community organizing in honor of Marsha’s commitment to human rights and showcasing her flair for life and self-determined artistic expression.