Your 2019 AP @ CAA Schedule

The 2019 College Art Association Conference is on, and several Alumni and faculty are presenting. Here’s where to find them:

Faculty member Sarah G. Sharp will present on Whole Earth Systems on the Visionary Impulses in Utopian Art and Design panel on Wednesday at 2.

Alum Dee Solin joins the conversation on artists’ space making initiatives on Thursday at 10:30. She’s also hosting a workshop on color theory at 3:30 on Wednesday.

Alum Hovey Brock will speak on the panel “Inhabit the World in a Better Way”: Art between Political Practice and Relational Aesthetics on Thursday at 4pm.

Thyrza Nichols Goodeve (AP Faculty) will speak about Yvonne Rainer on the panel Kinesthetics: Gesture Beyond Opticality at 10:30 on Saturday.

Fellow faculty member Jovana Stokic will discuss contemporary performance art research on Saturday at 4.

If you haven’t registered for the conference, don’t worry! CAA offers on-site pay-what-you-want day passes.