Kyle Browne

Class of 2017

Most of my work starts with the bizarre discoveries I find on Internet and in life. Internet is now a world where we all meet together openly and privately. It is where people feel free to express themselves, to feel good about themselves, to find their voices, to be with other people virtually.

Having a background in new media and web design studies, I find the interaction between us and technology, Internet abstract and exciting. I often find myself healed by the creativity and fun on the Internet. The ways people push the boundaries to express themselves through language, image and technology are very unexpected and fascinating.

Inspired by the abstractions of Internet expressions, I play with the language of Internet, such as GIF, the swiping look, meme, the image-overloaded culture, and pop culture in my work. I explore issues such as the ambiguity aspect of language, how we face the uncertainty in daily life and how we interact with Internet and on Internet.

What I want to do is to illuminate people, to bring out good energies, to create more discussions about our fast changing culture, and to open up more possibilities for understanding our culture, life and each others through the mediums that are contemporary.