Christianne Ebel
Being Pandemic Fine
Christianne Ebel, Hair, 2022
Can we actively construct our reality? Whether it be our micro individual bubble of reality or the macro societal bubble of reality. The answer simply put, is: Yes and we are, but how consciously aware are we to this fact? With the use of contemporary tools of image gathering from cameras to microscopes to telescopes, etc. combined with digital technology from augmented reality to social media to virtual reality and beyond, we are inundated with images, perceptions, and narratives, that we accept as the valid representations of reality. These images, perceptions, and narratives, the foundation of a codex of a visual language we consume, whether real or not, are accepted as the ‘truth’ of external reality and it shapes our societal, as well as our individual, ideas, beliefs, dispositions, and inter- actions with the external tangible world. In this way, we are passengers on our path, passively accepting the visual language codex delivered to us, inertly reacting to them as they are ‘unveiled’ to us.
A question arises: Can we be more than passive agents existing in, yet only primarily reacting to, the external tangible world?
Using the mediums of photography and story- telling in conjunction with theories from quantum physics, photographic theory, neuroscience, and psychology, I explore how we can actively change the fabric of reality with directed and purposeful acts of observation in relation to ourselves and the external world. Using the photo- graph and the act of photography as a tool of observation, Observer Awareness Constructs consists of two photographic series, Bearing Witness: Being Pandemic Fine, and Hair. Each series explores how we can change the fabric of reality with directed, active, and purposeful acts of observation.